3 a.m. prayer:

Most gracious heavenly Father,

TRUST IN YOUR MONEY and DOWN YOU GO! “He who trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will flourish like the green leaf” (Proverbs 11:28).  (Riches are uncertain and therefore not worthy of trust. Our confidence should be in the living God who gives us richly all things to enjoy.) From the New Testament: “Instruct those who are rich in this present world not to be conceited or to fix their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy. Instruct them to do good works, to be generous and ready to share, storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is life indeed” (1Timothy 6:17-19). Riches will fail us when we are in the greatest need. He that trusts in them, as if they would secure him the favor of God and be his protection and portion, shall fall. Because of their uncertainty, worldly focus on riches prevents trusting in the living God. The righteous, that is, those whose trust is in the Lord, will flourish with life and vitality like foliage. Have a blessed Sunday. *****

//Standing Prayer: Always remembering our country, for restoration, our continued peace, and freedom; we ask that You grant wisdom and guidance to those who are in authority, and we pray; and for the protection of our men and women who are on the battlefield, we pray. Lord, heal our land, we pray. There are people in other parts of the world who need protection and relief as they are surrounded by war and poverty; also in need of rescue are Christians who are being persecuted, and we pray.
And so we begin, “Just for Today”: For anyone who experienced a sleepless night because of worries over things beyond his/her control, we pray.
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*>NEW Prayer Requests: *>It’s Sunday and we lift up pastors across our land who will be in the pulpits preaching the Word. We ask safety for them; and that lives would be changed in those who will be hearing the gospel message, and we pray. *>Remembering those who are in the path of the hurricane, and we pray. *>One among us is suffering with a rash on her arms from poison ivy, and we pray.
**<PREVIOUS Prayer Requests: <**Addiction: ** <A dear lady is trying to quit smoking, and we pray. **>A dear mother prays for her son who is an alcoholic, struggling to stay sober; he is also battling drug dependency, and we pray. **Aging:**>A friend prays for a friend’s 90 year old mother who recently sold her house and will be moving to a temporary unit on October 27th; she is hopeful to be in her permanent apartment before Christmas, and we pray.**<A dear lady prays for her daughter-in-law’s aged grandfather who is under Hospice care. Praying, too, for his devoted wife of 60+ years, and we pray. **<Battling Cancer:< **>A dear 32 year old, mother of three, whose colon cancer is in remission, now is suffering with pneumonia, and we pray. ** A dear wife continues to pray for her husband who has a rare, aggressive cancer (appendiceal adenocarcinoma), who is suffering beyond words. The cancer has now spread to his lungs, and we pray. **>Update: Continuing to remember a dear man who is very fatigued and suffers with progressive kidney cancer. His scan will be next week; then on October 30th, will be starting clinical trials. Hopefully, the man and his wife will be able to take a trip in the coming weeks to visit their son. He is scheduled for another PET scan in November, and we pray. **<We continue to lift up a dear lady who has stage 4 pancreatic cancer, and we pray. **<Chronic Pain: <** Some have overall, unexplained pain, others have pain in specific areas of their bodies, and we pray. **<A sister prays for her sister who gets little or no relief from medications for her chronic pain, and we pray.**<Divorce is so bitter:< **A dear grandmother continues to pray for her grandchildren who are being exposed to an immoral living arrangement, and we pray. **<Epilepsy: **<A sister continues to worry about her 64 year old brother with epilepsy who is lonesome and prone to drinking excessively, and we pray. **<Family Affairs: **< A dear mother is experiencing problems with jealousy issues between her two adult daughters, and we pray. **Financial +:**<Continuing to remember the elderly couple whose life-savings account is in jeopardy, they have ongoing problems with dementia; efforts are being made to help them handle their finances which is becoming extremely difficult due to the progressive dementia, and we pray. **Grieving:**>Although much time has passed, a dear widow continues to grieve; she is still missing her dearly beloved husband, and feels very alone, has no ambition, and we pray. **<Health Issues/Problems: **>UPDATE NEEDED>An aunt prays for her niece who has experienced problems with high blood pressure. It has gone down, but continues to occasionally spike, so she has been on a monitor to determine if anything is going on with her heart. She is also having bad headaches, and we pray.**>A dear lady and her father are awaiting appointments to have genetic testing to see if they have inherited the rare gene, linked to cancer and numerous conditions, which runs rampant in their family. First, lengthy forms need to be completed and mailed; and referrals sent in from the primary doctor, and we pray. **<In that same extended family, two brothers await the results of their genetic testing to find out whether or not they have inherited the same mutated gene. It’s a lengthy process, and we pray.**<A dear lady prays for others but has multiple health issues herself, and we pray. **< A dear lady who was recently diagnosed with severe degenerative disease has a sleep study on October 29th, and an appointment with a nerve doctor on November 5th, and we pray. **<Among us is a grieving widow who continues to suffer from loneliness and chronic bouts of Irritable Bowel Syndrome and has difficulty sleeping, and we pray. **<Heart Related +: **>A brother-in-law prays for his 79 year old brother-in-law who has been hospitalized with a heart aneurysm, and has growths on his kidney. The medical team is trying to stabilize his blood pressure, so that, hopefully they can still do his operation on Monday or Tuesday. There are some extenuating circumstances here involving the insurance company, and we pray. **<A wife continues to pray for her dear 80 year old husband who has only 25% heart function. He is having a nuclear stress test on October 16th, and we pray. **>A dear lady has been diagnosed with some heart abnormalities, and is facing more testing to determine if there are any blockages. On Tuesday she had more testing and is awaiting results. Awaiting a sleep apnea test. Furthermore, she will be seeing an orthopedic specialist on November 5th about her shoulder pain and immobility in her right arm, and we pray.**>A sister prays for her brother who has an inoperable tumor near his aorta, and we pray. **<A dear lady endures much verbal abuse from her fatally ill husband who has a bad heart, and we pray. **<Homebound: **<One among us is disabled due to a previous stroke, and we pray. **<Identity Crisis: **>A dear grandmother prays for her 16 year old granddaughter who is struggling with gender identity. The grandmother is prayerful that her granddaughter’s parents would begin applying tough love instead of giving in and enabling the young lady to make bad choices. Hopefully, a weekly, Wednesday, Bible study group will help to bring restoration and togetherness of these hurting hearts, and we pray. **<Infections/Injections/Injuries: **>A dear lady has a painful, nasty looking, growth on her finger which has become infected; antibiotic cream being applied is some better, and we pray.**>UPDATE NEEDED>:A dear man continues to pray for his 84 year old friend and neighbor who fell a weeks ago due to paralysis in his right leg. He remains hospitalized in assisted living, receiving physical therapy. He’s hoping to be able to soon go home, and we pray.**<An elderly woman who has many health problems asks prayer for her ‘whole body’, and we pray. **Update>One among us continues to have much back pain, difficulty walking, suffers from high blood pressure, and is not a candidate for risky surgery. She has a difficult time getting to sleep because she cannot get comfortable, nor can she shut off the “worry mode”. Her only relief is through medications, physical therapy, and laser treatments twice a week. Much of her treatment is not covered by insurance which puts a financial strain and worry on this elderly lady, and we pray. **<Making Progress: **>Update: The dear couple who stepped out on faith, to ‘begin again’ continues in remodeling their newly acquired older home. The dear wife recently cleaned out the flower beds in the front yard and got into some poison ivy. Her arms have a bad rash; the doctor prescribed an oral medication which seems to be helping. They have also been working hard to build up their online business, sales are expected to increase over the next two months, which will keep them very busy, and for continued success, we pray. **<Marital Crisis:**> There are at least 5 couples who are having difficulty in their marriages; one couple is seeking Christian counseling, but still having lots of ups and downs as they work through anger issues, and we pray. **<Marriage Plans: **<A dear couple has set a wedding date which is a year away, and we pray. **<Mental Health+: **> A 20 year old woman who was in treatment at a mental hospital is out on her own but, not making good choices; she is working at a strip club. However, the lines of communication do seem to be opening between the grandmother and her granddaughter. The grandmother is a believer and is trying to build a better relationship with her granddaughter, and for continued communication between the two, we pray. >Also the grandmother asks prayer for the young lady’s parents who are involved in a cult, and we pray. **<Pregnancy &: **> A dear grandmother is awaiting the birth of a grandchild, expected to arrive October 16th when labor will be induced, but it could be sooner as the expectant mother is already dilated 2-3 centimeters, and we pray. **<Respiratory: **<Many are suffering with symptoms from colds, flu, and/or allergies, and we pray.
**<Surgeries/Prior: **<A dear man who had knee surgery on September 11th continues with 4 weeks of physical therapy on his knee, and for continued healing, we pray. **> A sister prays for her sister who had hip surgery Thursday, and for continued healing, we pray.
**<Surgeries/Upcoming: **> A dear 49 year old woman is scheduled for a total hysterectomy on October 31st. She is expected to be off work for 3-8 weeks, and we pray. ** >A wife prays for her husband who has to have a 4th surgery on his eye which is scheduled for tomorrow, October 15; he also suffers from Afib, and we pray. **>Continuing to remember the elderly lady who is battling numerous health problems, and is scheduled for surgery on Wednesday, October 17th, for a Bi-femoral artery bypass, and we pray. **< A dear lady suffers much pain due to bone on bone in her hip, also has severe curvature of the spine. Surgery for hip replacement is scheduled for November 28th, and we pray.
//Travel Mercies: **<>This is an ongoing prayer request for all who are on the highways and byways. Lord, we ask that You daily keep our travelers safe from harm, and we pray. Praises: Thank you, Lord, for yesterday’s travel mercies surrounding an out-of-town trip by one among us; for providing safety and a nice time away, we rejoice.
For these and the many unspoken requests we pray all in Jesus name. Lord bless our homes. AMEN


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